Evidence of Lee Clark's Fraudulent and Abusive Activities
Here are a few of Mr. Clark's greatest hits... that we know of.
Due to the sensitive nature of the many public and personal records of his victims and to preserve their privacy and safety, additional documentation is only available upon request at this time. Please contact us through the form on this website to discuss and we will forward whatever additional evidence you need to make an informed decision about this. We are preparing redacted versions and gaining permission from his victims in an effort to share more publicly in the future. Where case numbers are provided, you can of course discover additional information with a public records request from the corresponding jurisdiction. Thank you for understanding and helping us protect the victims' privacy.
Please note that every item listed here is substantiated by primary evidence from numerous credible sources in multiple states representing Lee's work with over a dozen victims. The documents and accounts of events presented here are in their original form and accurate to the best of our ability. We will gladly submit this and more evidence for forensic analysis or further investigation should it become necessary.
Finally, we have nothing to gain but his further retaliation and slander. Who wants their network poisoned? Who wants to look over their shoulder every time they come home or walk to their car? We certainly don't! But we have accepted these risks together in order to provide you the opportunity we wish we'd had.
If you knew the people he describes as "crazy" and "off their meds," you would be truly shocked that you believed it for a second. He's that good. Go ahead and believe that we are crazy, all 15+ of us, but view the evidence first. We only seek to prevent future harm and to provide a safe harbor for anyone in need.

Lee Clark Flees Bankruptcy, Immigrates to United States to Live off American Woman
Lee Clark Cons Woman into Marriage to Obtain Green Card, Leaves Her Bankrupt
Lee Clark Threatens to Steal California Woman's House

He Tells Hundreds of Women About His List of What he Wants in a Partner - Your Similarities Are Uncanny!