Restraining Orders Against Lee Clark in Oregon
2018 - 2020
This FAPA protective order was granted in 2018 and subsequently renewed twice. Claiming embarrassment when traveling for work, Lee challenged the order soon after the second renewal was approved. Three witness able to testify about him violating the order with access to guns and speaking maliciously about the victim were too afraid to testify at the hearing so the judge was forced to lift the order. However, a public records request from Multnomah County for FAPA Order Case No. 18PO02167 hearing on April 16, 2020 will lead you to additional evidence including testimony from five witnesses confirming the victim's sound mental health, veracity of claims, and genuine fear of Mr. Clark. The hearing is all public record and a transcript/ copy of the audio can be requested from the court. Official evidence entered into public record by the judge includes videos of him assaulting the victim, proof he continued to harass her after police escorted him from her home, and evidence of his nearly 20 year pattern of defrauding women in America. https://multco.us/public-records-request